Best Internet Booster - Leatrix Latency Fix

World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade

Leatrix Latency Fix will reduce your online gaming latency significantly by increasing the frequency of TCP acknowledgements sent to the game server. For the technically minded, this is a script which will modify TCPAckFrequency.

You will see reduced latency in many online games including

World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, and more.

System Requirements

Leatrix Latency Fix is supported on these operating systems only.
  • Windows XP (SP2 or higher)
  • Windows Vista (SP1 or higher)
  • Windows 7
Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported.

Installation Instructions

In the download, you'll find 3 script files - Install, Remove and Checker. Simply run the Install script and follow the prompts (as shown here). If the script opens in a text editor (or any other application) instead of running, read the first question in the FAQ.

If you're logged into your computer with an account which doesn't have Administator privileges (or you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7 with User Account Control enabled), you'll be prompted to enter the credentials of a user account which has Administrator privileges (as shown here).

After the installation, you should see a confirmation window (as shown here). Simply do what it says and restart your computer.

Online games generally use the TCP protocol which requires that network segments sent to your computer be acknowledged in order to provide a reliable connection.

Windows bundles these acknowledgements together and sends them in pairs. While this is an efficient way of dealing with them generally, the inevitable delays caused by the bundling process increase latency considerably.

This is because when Windows queues up an acknowledgement in order to bundle it with the following one, the game server has to wait for the acknowledgement timer to expire before sending new data.

Leatrix Latency Fix removes the acknowledgement bundling process so that an acknowledgement is sent immediately for every segment that's received. This produces a significant reduction in latency as there is no longer a delay before new data is sent to your computer.

In a normal networking environment, you would prioritise network efficiency over latency and use the Windows defaults, but in online games the opposite is true and you want the lowest latency you can possibly get.

Best METATAGS - widely used by TOP SearchEngines

The most important META tags give search engines something to latch onto when the search engines try to index your page. The two META tags that perform this function are KEYWORD and DESCRIPTION tags.

according to the World Wide Web Consortium,
"Meta data is machine understandable information for the Web."
Luckily, we don’t have to understand the ins and outs of META tags to use them in our pages.

Note that META tags are "singletons"; they don’t require the use of closing tags like </META>. They have to go within your <HEAD></HEAD> section to function.

Your website or Blogs can even indexed in 10 Minutes by Google with this META TAGS.

AIMP - Coolest Free Multimedia Player

 AIMP - Download Here

An advanced multimedia player that includes an audio converter, recorder, and tag editor. Includes an easy to use interface, small size and minimal use of system resources.


Crystal-clear sound, technology of reproduction essentially differs from Winamp and WMP;

Sensitive equalizer;
A maximum of functionality from a minimum of resources;
The minimal consumption of system resources;
Multilingual support;
Support of set of formats of audio
Adjustment of global and local hot keys (patterns from WinAmp and WMP);
Flexible options of the program and various covers will allow you to make A.I.M.P. completely individual;
Support of plug-ins with which help it is possible to expand opportunities of the program;
The audioconverter codes music from the most different formats in wma, mp3, wav, ogg;
AudioGrab allows to overtake AudioCD in Mp3, OGG, WAV or WM;
The sound recording will allow you to write down a sound from any audio of the device in system;
The built-in editor of tags, support WMA, MP3, OGG;
An opportunity of record AudioCD, MP3-disks and disks with given.

Google Launches Data Mining Engine - GoogleCorrelate

Google at 25th May 2011 released an experimental version of Correlate, a data mining engine that enables people to find correlating search trends.
Published by Google’ philanthropic unit,, Correlate can be used to find matching search patterns that can provide hints about ongoing trends. The tool asks for a search terms and then matches closely correlating search terms against it.

For example, the search phrase “touch screen” reveals that, over time, there are several other phrases that match its search activity – including drawing games, online coloring games, and painting games. Google says that the data is offered in real time and basically reflects the functionality of Google Trends in reverse.
You can try the data mining tool here.

Editor : Indra

Gef - Worlds Mystery

September, 1931, the Irving family — James, Margaret and daughter Voirrey (13) — claimed to heard persistent scratching and rustling noises behind their farmhouse’s wooden wall panel. At first they thought it was a rat, but then the unseen creature began making different sounds, sometimes spitting like a ferret, or growling like a dog, or gurgling like a baby. The creature soon revealed an ability to speak, and introduced itself as Gef, a mongoose. It claimed to have been born in New Delhi, India, in 1852. According to Voirrey, who was the only person to see him properly, Gef was the size of a small rat, with yellowish fur and a large bushy tail (the Indian mongoose is in reality much larger than a rat and does not have a bushy tail).
Gef variously claimed to be “an extra extra clever mongoose”, an “earthbound spirit” and “a ghost in the form of a weasel”. He once said, “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet, and if you saw me you’d faint, you’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” Voirrey Irving, who took Gef under her wing, died in 2005. In an interview published late in life, she maintained that Gef was not her creation.

Editor : Indra

Graphene – Nobel's Award 2010

A thin flake of carbon, just one atom thick, lies behind 2010's Nobel Prize in Physics. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov have shown that carbon in such a flat form has exceptional properties that originate from the remarkable world of quantum physics.

Graphene is a form of carbon. As a material it is completely new – not only the thinnest ever but also the strongest. As a conductor of electricity it performs as well as copper. As a conductor of heat it outperforms all other known materials. It is almost completely transparent, yet so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it. Carbon, the basis of all known life on earth, has surprised us once again.

Geim and Novoselov extracted the graphene from a piece of graphite such as is found in ordinary pencils. Using regular adhesive tape they managed to obtain a flake of carbon with a thickness of just one atom. This at a time when many believed it was impossible for such thin crystalline materials to be stable. With graphene, physicists can now study a new class of two-dimensional materials with unique properties. Graphene makes experiments possible that give new twists to the phenomena in quantum physics. Also a vast variety of practical applications now appear possible including the creation of new materials and the manufacture of innovative electronics. Graphene transistors are predicted to be substantially faster than today’s silicon transistors and result in more efficient computers.

Since it is practically transparent and a good conductor, graphene is suitable for producing transparent touch screens, light panels, and maybe even solar cells.

When mixed into plastics, graphene can turn them into conductors of electricity while making them more heat resistant and mechanically robust. This resilience can be utilised in new super strong materials, which are also thin, elastic and lightweight. In the future, satellites, airplanes, and cars could be manufactured out of the new composite materials.

This year’s Laureates have been working together for a long time now. Konstantin Novoselov, 36, first worked with Andre Geim, 51, as a PhD-student in the Netherlands. He subsequently followed Geim to the United Kingdom. Both of them originally studied and began their careers as physicists in Russia. Now they are both professors at the University of Manchester.

Playfulness is one of their hallmarks, one always learns something in the process and, who knows, you may even hit the jackpot. Like now when they, with graphene, write themselves into the annals of science. 

Source :

Most Expensive Car Swarovski Studded Mercedes Benz SL600

Most Expensive Car Swarovski Studded Mercedes Benz SL600

Swarovski studded Mercedes SL600 can further enhance the overall magnificence of the remarkably created vehicle. The star of studded swarovski looks is a perfect way to market the supreme car in auto expos around the globe. Not only catches the eye of the people at the very instant but highlights the class above the rest!
The car owners should look to leverage from these high class design possibilities if they have ample budget in hand. Probably one can even select amongst the colors of the studs too without any hassles. These prime options can help Benz in showcasing their design supremacy in an all new way.



Aion from NVidia
Aion® Premium Gift Pack Experience breathtaking graphics with Empyrean Calling™, the new update to Aion®, the award-winning online fantasy game.

Audi Future Cars Concept

Audi Future Car Concepts

Is This The New Audi Car?

Is this a modified Audi Car?
What is this Audi Car? Is it a new model of Audi? It looks like Audi R8.. But i think it is not.. Modified maybe?

SS Ourang Medan - Indonesian Mystery

SS Ourang Medan

In February, 1948, distress calls were picked up by numerous ships near Indonesia, from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan. The chilling message was, “All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead.” This message was followed by indecipherable Morse code then one final grisly message… “I die.” When the first rescue vessel arrived on the scene a few hours later, they tried to hail the Ourang Medan but there was no response. A boarding party was sent to the ship and what they found was a frightening sight that has made the Ourang Medan one of the strangest and scariest ghost ship stories of all time.
All the crew and officers of the Ourang Medan were dead, their eyes open, faces looking towards the sun, arms outstretched and a look of terror on their faces. Even the ship’s dog was dead, found snarling at some unseen enemy. When nearing the bodies in the boiler room, the rescue crew felt a chill, though the temperature was near 110°F. The decision was made to tow the ship back to port, but before they could get underway, smoke began rolling up from the hull. The rescue crew left the ship and barely had time to cut the tow lines before the Ourang Medan exploded and sank.
To this day, the exact fate of the Ourang Medan and her crew remains a mystery.

From Wikipedia :

Menurut kisah, pada Juni 1947 (Gaddis dan catatan lainnya memperkirakan pada Februari 1948), dua kapal Amerika yang sedang berada di Selat Malaka, City of Baltimore dan Silver Star, di antara kapal-kapal lainnya, mendapat pesan dari kapal Belanda Ourang Medan. Operator radio pada kapal melaporkan kematian kapten kapal dan seluruh krunya, dan akhirnya ia mengatakan "Aku hampir mati".
Ketika kru Silver Star berhasil menemukan kapal Ourang Medan, kapal ini penuh dengan mayat (termasuk mayat seekor anjing) yang terlihat tewas ketakutan. Tidak ada korban selamat atau luka pada orang yang tewas. Api tiba-tiba menjalar di kargo kapal, sehingga tim itu segera melarikan diri dari Ourang Medan, dan tidak ada investigasi lebih lanjut. Selanjutnya, SS Ourang Medan terlihat meledak dan tenggelam.

Editor : Indra

How Many People Use Twitter?

Twitter Logo
According to eMarketer, the number of people who really use Twitter is a fraction of the number typically reported by Twitter and the media.

Due to duplicate accounts, Twitter users quitting, Twitter users who read Tweets but don’t really participate, and other reasons, eMarketer says the number of people who actually use Twitter is in the tens of millions… not in the hundreds of millions as suggested by the number of Twitter accounts (175 million in September 2010) and the visitors to (estimated to be 20-30 million per month).

Said Paul Verna, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, ‘Twitter Users: A Vocal Minority’:

    “Twitter users are a sizable and growing bunch, but their numbers are considerably smaller than those disseminated by many media outlets and Twitter itself. In the US, this means tens of millions of users, as opposed to hundreds of millions.”

eMarketer reckons 20.6 million U.S. adults will access a Twitter account (whether on or via a third party Twitter client) at least once per month in 2010, up 26.3 percent from 16.4 million last year.

The research firm expects usage to grow in the double digits through 2013, when nearly 28 million adults will use Twitter.

Editor : Indra 

Audi A9 - Concept by DanielGarcia

The Audi A9 concept is a stylish proposal for a luxury sports saloon which was developed by the talented Spanish designer Daniel Garcia. The A9 concept would be positioned higher than Audi's current flagship model, the A8, and is aimed at other top-end luxury saloons like the Porsche Panamera, and if it ever went into production, the Lamborghini Estoque.

Images from
The styling of the Audi A9 concept was partially inspired by the stunning architectural style of Santiago Calatrava's buildings in "La Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias" (The City of Arts and Sciences) in Garcia's hometown of Valencia. This influence can be seen in the clean flowing lines of the vehicle and futuristic styling features. Calatrava's buildings look like they come from 100 years in the future, and so does this.

Images from
The single-piece windscreen and roof is formed from an as-yet undiscovered nanotechnology material which features an automatic-system for repairing damage, and it can also be adjusted for color and opacity. The bodywork of the Audi A9 concept also features a unique 'electronic painting' system which means the vehicle's color can be changed at the touch of a button. The proposed drivetrain for the A9 concept is an advanced hybrid setup which uses an internal combustion engine working in conjunction with four in-wheel electric motors. Audi A9 rocks!

Editor : Indra

Top New iPhone Apps Today

KungFu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda 2 Storybook


iStoryTime brings the fun and adventure of Kung Fu Panda 2 to your iPhone and iPad. Parents and their children can enjoy images from the film and hear the voices of Po and Tigress directly from the movie.



Just start Pix’Air on your iPhone or iPod touch, and show your photos to friends or family on any screen in the same WiFi network: computers, iPads, or internet-enabled devices, all can display outstanding slideshows of your photo albums in a standard web browser.


NO MORE BIRDS! Blupt! is a game whose character has no beak, isn't a zombie or even a ninja! Can you believe it?

Twitter X-Ray


Is the first App of its kind for an iPhone. Twitter X-Ray analyzes tweets and provides information about whether a person is happy, sad, angry, calm, and what topics do they talk about the most. Twitter X-Ray could be used for screening people before you meet them, or figuring out what to talk about with a person based on their interests.

Editor : Indra

cPanel Hosting Explained

Hosting with cPanel
cPanel allows you to manage your website through an easy single interface, controlling your web site is definitely very simple and easy. This single interface will allow you to build, maintain, update, and manage your site. More amazingly, cPanel is equally advantageous to both the experienced web designer and the beginner. It is also great for the busy ecommerce site and the personal blog. With all its flexibility, cPanel unlimited hosting plan is more than sufficient for all your hosting needs.

More than anything else, cPanel is easy to navigate and a cinch to expand in such a short notice. Furthermore, with more than a decade of existence, cPanel has proven its security and stability. Although cPanel hosting plans may vary from host to host, the modern cPanel still maintains high security and reliability, thus you should choose a hosting company that offers this kind of cPanel unlimited web hosting plan.

Editor : Indra

Most Popular Games on iPhone!

Game was originally created for the Apple iOS platform, but now it has been recently enhanced for compatibility with a large amount of some other touchscreen display smartphones. Computers and gaming console friendly variants of Angry Birds have become accessible. Angry Birds is being touted as the most addicting video game available on the market - mainly because of its clever, amusing style and engaging computer animation, and also the proven fact that it merely costs about a buck to down load, perhaps $3 for the high-def version.

The basic idea for Angry Birds is kind of straightforward. This is a puzzle-solving computer game, and the purpose is to ruin a bunch of wrong-doing pigs by catapulting Birds at them with a slingshot. Succeed in eliminating all the pigs before exhausting your bird supply, and you'll move forward to the next stage. Sound funny? It truly is - that is why it's flying-off virtual racks with a present count of about one hundred mil down loads.

The objective gets a tad bit more loony too: as lead game-player, you're in charge of a flock of crazy looking Birds, each some other coloring, on a hunt for gold eggs that have been stolen and concealed by the bad swine. Dependent upon its coloring, each bird possesses a super power. For instance, blue Birds can divide themselves into a few Birds at once, yellow-colored Birds have bionic long distance, black Birds are self-combusting, and green Birds can boomerang by themselves.

When found, each gold colored egg discloses an exclusive purpose, too. In particular, finding one specific gold egg, can unlock a great completely new online game stage, another can unleash a complete new slew of pigs, and one more will present you with a physics-based question which you'll need to resolve to be able to advance any more in the online game. Naturally, when you get to a stand still and simply cannot discover an additional gold colored egg, it is possible to always go on the net where you can find numerous tips, tricks, and cheats placed by many other Angry Birds fans. It's also possible to go on an Angry Bird walkthrough, where you are navigated through diverse locations and stages, and shown where and ways to find out each of the gold eggs. Article Source:

Angry Birds is the current big thing in the game community. It provides gamers a very much-needed, entertaining distraction from everyday life -- and the best benefit may be that it's so affordable!

Editor : Indra

File-Sharing Tool Received Student Business Award

Minus, an entirely new platform for file-sharing, has been created by a Babson College senior, whose career started when he was 9. John Xie created his first website as a child, and a web hosting company as a teenager.

Minus is a new tool for sharing pictures, documents, audio and video files, and actually all types of files by simply dragging them from the desktop or a folder into their browsers. The sharing can also be committed though Minus desktop or mobile applications. The client was developed by John Xie in cooperation with Carl Hu, a principal engineer at Both of the application founders admitted that their goal was to simplify file-sharing and develop the simplest and easiest experience for Internet users. John Xie also revealed that Minus has collected a database of over 1/3 million users, 1 million uploads and 1 billion hits since the application was launch back in October 2010. Minus even managed to win the Babson’s Student Business of the Year Award in April 2011, which brought him $5.000 cash prize. Thus, the application made its first step into the world of file-sharing, delivering simplicity and minimalism to Internet users throughout the globe for free.

However, the program founders admit that it’s yet too early to forecast the future of their creation. John Xie is now planning to focus on the application full-time after his graduation this month. The nearest plans of the founders are to focus on user growth, and they are looking forward to it.

Xie’s hosting company, called Cirtex Corp., was started with capital of less than $20, but today it already servicing over 100,000 domain names and generating over $1,000,000 in profit every year. John Xie said that he always liked the idea of entrepreneurship and has been constantly pursuing big ideas about technology. However, his business was mostly an adventure for him. For example, Cirtex, launched by Xie at the age of 13, was more playing around and enjoying himself and what he did rather than a business or a job. Indeed, John Xie confessed that the web hosting company was more poking around and learning things in business as you go. As all his projects, Minus application was also creating things out of nothing, while having a lot of fun.

From : Extratorrent by Sam - 16 May 2011

Tron Themed AUDI R8

TRON Legacy Themed AUDI R8

Chrome-plated Tron-themed Audi R8, engineered by PimpMyRide vehicular tricksters WestCoastCustoms, which is probably faster than a lightcycle!!. This version of the Audi R8, however, isn’t quite so subtle — with glowing rims, glowing vents, a glowing back seat and a chrome finish so perfectly reflective that you can check your hair and makeup in the car’s bonnet. All the glowing bits gradually fade through a series of colours too, for added Tron-style excellence.

This thing would be perfect cruising the streets of South Beach surrounded by neons and hot babes flocking. OMG!!!

Images from

Keylogger Scanner to Remove Keyloggers

Nowadays business and home computer users should be aware of how to protect themselves from attack by computer viruses, spyware, malware, and fraudulent attempts to steal personal identity and financial data. Computers should always have up-to-date antivirus and other security programs installed, and all users should be familiar with those steps which are needed to protect personal identity when using the Internet.

Keyloggers are a particular type of spyware, which usually will attempt to steal a person's user ID and password, when they log on to a particular website. Any good anti-malware or anti-spyware software should include a keylogger scanner, which would detect the presence of that program and remove it. I will also be introducing a high quality virus, adware and spyware software that speed up my PC significantly.