BitTorrent Ultra Accelerator

BitTorrent Ultra Accelerator is an add-on application for BitTorrent that automatically speeds up the download process and finds the files you want with far more power than regular searches.It automatically searches for more sources to ensure 100% bandwidth operation. The program continues interrupted downloads, clears downloaded and erroneous ones. BitTorrent Ultra Accelerator saves configurations from last run and automatically loads it on start-up.
The program also resumes paused downloads, clears downloaded and wrong files, automatically hang up dial-up connection when all downloads finished, minimizes into the system tray for faster and easier operation, automatically searches for more sources at user-specified intervals, shutdown when all downloads finished . It comes with a user friendly interface and it is a FREE program.

Pros: The BitTorrent Ultra Accelerator is an add on tool for the BitTorrent peer to peer file sharing client that improves its performance. The entire bandwidth that is available at any given time is utilized for the purposes of downloading, and this is a great improvement over the basic BitTorrent application which puts upper limits on the download speeds. When downloading there are more frequent searches which results in more peers being added to a given download. Both these factors result in reduced downloading times and therefore better download performance on an average.
Other features are management and control oriented but still help in overall improvement. These include automatic resumption of paused downloads, as well as automatically managing downloads on start / stop connections (by making this process automatic). Configuration information is stored on shut down and automatically reloaded on startup, requiring less effort on the users side. Due to more frequent searching as well as a higher number of simultaneous searches, the overall search performance is significantly better, with more results showing up on average.
Cons: The simplicity of the interface that makes it easy to use, also ends up making it a negative factor for the software. It allows for no customization whatsoever and thus the user is stuck with whatever he or she has got.

BitTorrent Ultra Accelerator


for uTorrent User
uTorrent Acceleration Tool


Editor : Indra Susanto

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